Core Facility Electron Beam Microanalysis (CFE)


The Core Facility “Electron Beam Microanalysis” (CFE) is a network comprising three major instrument laboratories of the earth sciences subunits within the Faculty of Earth Sciences, Geography and Astronomy (FGGA) at the University of Vienna. 

With three largely complementary scanning electron microscopes, the CFE represents a versatile platform for spatially resolved material characterization and material processing. It offers:

  • Imaging using scanning electron microscopes 
  • Spatially resolved qualitative and quantitative analysis of major and trace elements on the scale of micrometers
  • Spatially resolved crystal orientation analysis on a sub-micrometer scale
  • Material processing with nanometre precision using focused ion beam technique

The aim of the CFE is to provide the best possible support for scientific and applied research through analytical services. Apart from data collection, the CFE team assists users when planning analytical campaigns and during data evaluation. In addition, within the framework of the CFE, the management of the generated research data will be further developed to comply with the FAIR principles.


© C. H. Baal


The “conventional” scanning electron microscope of the type TESCAN Vega 4 GMU is used to create electron-optical images under high and low vacuum conditions, for qualitative and semi-quantitative element analysis using energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX), and for cathodoluminescence (CL) imaging. 

Frontal view of FEI Quanta 3D FEG field emission gun scanning electron microscope with integrated ion column

© G. Habler


The FEI Quanta 3D FEG field emission scanning electron microscope with integrated ion column offers (i) high-resolution electron-optical imaging, (ii) crystal orientation analysis using electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD), (iii) qualitative and (semi)quantitative elemental analysis using energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX), and (iv) high-precision material machining on the submicrometer scale using focused ion beam (FIB) technique.

FIB-FESEM laboratory and usage regulations

© H. Kuleci


The CAMECA SXFive FE electron probe micro analyser is used for high-precision, spatially resolved qualitative and quantitative elemental analysis using wavelength-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (WDX) and for qualitative and semi-quantitative elemental analysis using energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX).

Services and access

At the CFE, infrastructure for electron microscopy, electron beam microanalysis and ion beam applications is used and optimized with focus on scientific applications and method development. 

Users are supported by expert staff when planning and carrying out analyses and evaluating data.

The laboratories of the CFE mainly serve researchers of the earth science departments of the FGGA. In addition, members of other faculties and centres of the University of Vienna and external partners have access to the analytical facilities of the CFE in the frame of research collaborations and contract research.

The continuing operation of the three laboratories is mainly financed by user contributions for consumables. The details of access to the CFE laboratories and the fees are specified in the specific laboratory and usage regulations of each individual laboratory.

Contact us

Head of the CFE

Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Rainer Abart, Department of Lithospheric Research (Head of CFE)

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Petra Heinz, Department of Paleontology (Deputy Head of CFE)

Laboratory Management

Christian Baal (SEM)

Gerlinde Habler (FIB-FESEM)

Elena Petrishcheva (EPMA)

Members of the earth science institutes/departments of the FGGA should contact their responsible CFE contact person (see respective laboratory and usage regulations)